Tuesday 7 December 2010

I'm Afraid

I've been trying to look past the Bulgarian sheep from Essex's mildly unpleasant qualities (eg tendency to commit genocide), it's getting harder and harder. Today, Derek told me that they tried to attack the Society! I mean, how could they do that? Sir Grinkledorf is their leader too! He won't tell me anything, but he's insisting it isn't what it looks like. I've been believing him all this time, but, honestly, how do I know he's being truthful? Those Bulgarian sheep have been trying to run down the society for years. All but six of the members have been either killed or chased away. And having witnessed and partly caused the death Winifred Flammel, I can tell you that's not a nice thing to do. Would I excuse him of this monstrosity if he had not been my most loyal friend all these years? Of course not.

But I can't bring myself to believe that Sir Grinkledorf would ever, could ever, be involved in such a thing. He simply must have a reason. But the pickle I have been left in is all the police are searching for the one behind all this. Should I turn him in? I trust him, with all my heart, but whatever reason he has for doing this, isn't it better all this comes to an end? I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this, but no matter how good it was, no court would excuse him for what he has done. What should I do?

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