Saturday 11 December 2010

BIG news... and lots of it.

Firstly, the marriage. I'm getting married in... (drumroll, please...) HELSINKI!
Yeah, it's this awesome place called Hotel Kamp over there. Check it out...

Pretty awesome, huh?
You can see the website here: Hotel Kamp

Secondly, I've solved the mystery of Sir Grinkledorf and the sheep. He revealed it all to me.
Basically, he saw what was going on, and he took over the sheep to try and change their ways, but he couldn't tell them that, otherwise they'd kill him in an instant, so he had to pretend to be evil as well. He was too afraid to even tell me! They recently discovered his ploy, however, and he fled. Derek, as kind as he is, allowed him CFS membership.

Lastly, but DEFINITELY not leastly, he also gave me a membership! Yep, that's right! I'm an official fruit fanatic! I don't know when I've ever been this happy!


  1. Wait, yes I do! When Derek asked me to marry him. <3

  2. Okay, the link to Hotel Kamp's web page is a fail, but the address is It's all in Finnish, though...
